The Garlic Trick

You’ve probably seen the trick where you peel garlic by shaking it in a big metal bowl. It saves a lot of time. The problem is that you are dirtying the bowl and you need a sufficient lid. Those two things make the metal bowl trick pretty inconvenient.

What if you already had a disposable, reusable, container that has a lid and is easy to shake?

Oh look, you do!
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I make cakes. (Makeshift icing nozzles)

Yeah, I also make cakes. It’s weird, but I know a lot of families that struggle at birthday times and taking away the cost and worry of a cake really helps the parents make it better for the kids.

In the process, I ALWAYS forget to get icing tools. Also, they all suck. I’ve now learned how to make homemade ones as I am working, and its really quick.

Step 1. Open the icing and remove the tin foil.

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