My Favorite Breakfast Sandwich

Taking a break for some ramblingd about cooking. I love breakfast sandwiches. Lately I found a new way to make them that just makes the whole thing more fun.


What you need:

  • Scrambled eggs (4 eggs with milk)
  • Sausage patties (8)
  • Cheese slices
  • Bread
  • Sandwich maker
Always save the grease. Mason jars are nice for this.

I made the sausage first and saved the grease for the eggs. The eggs were mixed with a little bit of milk to fluff them up, but I let them cook in a single circle like an omelette to be easier to add later. You can fluff them in the pan if you like. I like red pepper flakes and chives, but some pepper or salt is great too.

Hey! That’s grilled cheese.

Heat up the sandwich maker. Start with the bottom slices of bread. You don’t have to butter them. Cut the cheese in half and place them diagonal. We want cheese on the top and bottom to help hold it together. I prefer american cheese slices for breakfast, but swiss is good too.

Electric skillet? Darn near electric killed it!

Stack the eggs and sausage on then add the other half of the cheese. Put it diagonal in the other direction so it covers the other corners. Then add the top bread slices and close.

You need a Beverly Hillbillies style sandwich maker.

…so you can Clampett!

It takes about 2 minutes, then voila. Mountain Pie style breakfast sandwiches!

Now to decide what to make for lunch with that grease!

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