First Time Game Masters, Fear Not!

Anyone considering running a tabletop RPG for the first time gets nervous. Do you understand the rules well enough? What if you screw up? Did I buy enough snacks? All of these questions can weigh on the new Game Master (GM). Don’t let them!

All you need is confidence. That’s what my new book, GMing Made Easy is all about. Covering the most fundamental concepts of any role playing game and including the practical advice that takes your from 0 to 6d… 6.

This ebook covers many topics, especially world building, engaging players, and even contains a glossary of terms to freshen up on all of the concepts. There’s many pitfalls to running RPGs, and GMing Made Easy covers them in easy to understand language.

So if you’ve got 30 minutes, give it a read before you run your first game. It just may kick start your life long love for gaming. This book hits online shelves on 6/27. Preorder now!